Series 4:


(Harmony revived)

Humanity rebirth from pandemic

Amidst the depths of sorrow and the grip of fear, humanity rises once more, forging a path of resilience and unity. Society awakens from its slumber, breathing life into a world reborn with a profound understanding of the intricate threads that bind us all. "Harmony Revived" captures this poignant journey, where the beauty of human spirit triumphs over adversity, igniting a symphony of hope, compassion and a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life.

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1. Trepidation

Emerging from the isolating shadows, a hopeful green light illuminates their path. The collective longing to reconnect, bask in fresh air, and embrace life's vibrant tapestry is met with joyous celebration. Yet, beneath tears of elation, a whisper of unease lingers in their hearts. The battle against the pandemic is far from over; a new chapter has just begun. Opening the gates carries the potential for unforeseen disaster, casting a shadow over their jubilation. Uncertainty clouds their joy, urging reflection on the safety of venturing forth. Perhaps it's wise to linger in solitude a bit longer. Born from months of lockdown's impact, these thoughts blend with both rejoicing and anxiety. Society awakens, poised to reclaim its bustling world, yet trepidation hangs in the air.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2021

Size: 25’’ x 15’’

Price: RM 19k

2. End of tunnel

A Remarkable Journey of Resilience: Amidst the darkness of the pandemic, humanity clung to a glimmer of hope, navigating through uncertainty and fear. Enduring isolation, loss, and heartache, they refused to succumb to shadows. Believing in a guiding light at the tunnel's end, their spirits persevered. With each step, the light grew brighter, becoming a lifeline of inspiration and courage. This captures the essence of our collective journey, the triumph of the human spirit, and the enduring power of hope that unites and strengthens us, emerging from the darkness stronger and wiser.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2021

Size: 22’’ x 17’’

Price: RM 20k

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3. Dance of light

In the midst of despair, a painting of hope emerged. As the pandemic receded, the world awakened from its slumber, ready to celebrate life once more. Humanity, united as one, emerged from the dark tunnel, walking hand in hand towards a brighter future. In this painting, they danced and wept tears, not of sorrow, but of gratitude and triumph rejoicing in a long-awaited reunion. The streets bloomed with vibrant colours, laughter filling the air, as the weight of the past lifted. It was a reminder that just like humanity has done in the past, in the face of adversity humanity's spirit endures, and together we can conquer any challenge that befalls us.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2022

Size: 18’’ x 18’’

Price: RM 19k

4. Like a dream

The pandemic inundated us like relentless ocean waves, leaving devastation in its wake. Time passed, blending days into months in an endless loop. It felt like an inescapable nightmare, a recurring dream. But suddenly, something changed. I awakened from a deep sleep. The weight that burdened my spirit lifted, and I felt a renewed strength with a sense of purpose. Those days and months of uncertainty are etched in our collective memory like somber chapters in our history. It all seemed unreal at times, like a dream we desperately wished to wake up from. Those scars are not signs of defeat, but reminders of our resilience and unwavering spirit to endure.

Medium: Acrylic /oil

Year: 2022

Size: 22’’ x 17’’

Price: RM 14k

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Made With Brizy